Monday, February 16, 2015

State and Area CTE Scholarships

Hello All - it is that time of year again when our seniors are busy making plans for college like where they are going to live, selecting a meal plan, and oh yeah, how to pay for it!  You can help!  Please encourage your students (especially those involved in a CTSO) to apply for the following scholarships.  

The Career & Tech Association of Texas (CTAT) offers two-$1000 scholarships to CTE students in our Area; the Area IV organization within CTAT also offers 2-$500 scholarships.  Our area consists of schools from San Marcos to Waco and both sides of I-35.  From my experience in the Area IV organization, I can tell you that submissions for our area are few and far between.  I know that our students have a very good chance at earning these because of their amazing experiences in your classes and organizations.  

One application makes students eligible for both the state and area award, they just need to print two copies and send into the appropriate staff.  Deadline for both is March 31st and they need a few signatures so encourage your students to start now!

I would love to see Round Rock ISD sweep these scholarships because our kids are doing amazing things!  Thank you for making that possible.

Sheri Bonds

Director, Career & Technical Education

Round Rock ISD

